
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Are you a bad person if you sin once?

                Can you do something wrong and be a horrible person automatically? Usually people believe this. They believe that you need to to something to be saved of the horrible thing you did. Some people might ignore the person who did the sin. If you commit a sin, you are not a bad person automatically because you don't go to Heck immediately for it, you can repent of your sin, and you can fix the sin and still look good.
               Sinning is a bad thing. But it doesn't mean that you should live a sad, miserable, life forever. You can still repent and be forgiven. Just one sin won't ruin your entire life. You can still do good in your life.
Like in the paragraph before, you can repent of that one sin. Some churches believe that you can repent that sin or make it go away. Or you could go to the person you did sin to and ask for his forgiveness. Usually he/she will forgive you. If they don't, then just go to a church.
               You can still fix the sin up and look good or even better. You will look better because it shows how you can overcome trials. It makes you immune to that sin now if you ever face it again. There can be people to help you overcome that sin also. So you can fix that sin and look way better than to have a sin.
               Having sin makes you look really bad, but not entirely. But one thing is for sure. You look a whole lot better by getting rid of your sin.