
Thursday, October 29, 2015

My Short Thoughts on Missionary Work

Missionary work is one my favorite topics to talk about. However, it is not so for others. When we think of missionary work, what people usually think of is go knock on doors like missionaries before or some missionaries do. But we need to realize that this is not the only form of missionary work out there. We can do so many different things to do missionary work without saying much. Now I am not saying that we should avoid talking when it comes to missionary work. I am saying that this is not the only way to do missionary work.
Some of you may recognize that I post daily messages, whether spiritual or non-spiritual, and share my thoughts about them. This is a form of missionary work. It may not be as big as you expect, but it helps both others and myself of the subject I post and the importance of missionary work. I would invite you to find a form or missionary work that is suitable for you, but not to just stop there. Try other ones as well whether it comes by itself or you have to do something about it. I promise that as you do so, not only the person or persons that you share your thoughts with will come closer with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, but you will as well. Thanks for reading if you made it this far. Enjoy the rest of your day! 

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