
Monday, November 9, 2015

My Thoughts on Anime (Use & Misuse of Art)

Let's talk about anime here. Now when you hear the word "anime", what is usually the first thing that comes to your mind? I can definitely say that many will think of this creepy type of art that seems to be "messed up". I wouldn't blame you for thinking that because that is probably what I mostly thought of as well when it came in anime in general. I find usually that whenever people hear about anime, their thoughts either go: "Oh, you mean what Dragonball Z is?" or of an anime character with some type of half-human half animal type that just makes you think "What the heck is this?". This, again, I don't blame you for because this is usually what I felt as well.

We all heard of famous anime tv-shows like Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Dragonball Z, and perhaps Avatar: The Last Airbender if you classify it as an anime. Yes, anime is not new. It has been around for quite some time. It started around 1950s, but wasn't really accepted in mainstream till the 1980s. Since then, we have gotten many different types of varieties of anime.

My history of anime has been...meh. Of course as a kid I watch Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh when I was allowed to watch TV. Then there was this huge break of TV I had where I didn't watch a lot of shows. Somewhere in high school I started watching a bit of Dragonball Z Kai, which in short is Dragonball Z with less dialogue and more fighting. But after graduating high school I really didn't get back into it that much. I guess you can also count Sonic as a type of anime as well. I don't really since I focused more on the games rather than the shows. It wasn't really until on my mission, thanks to a couple of members, I thought that anime was interesting.

Now I am not saying I am one of those people who go out and dress as their favorite anime character and speak Japanese as much as they can or however creepy you think people who do this are. I don't do that. I just watch the show and then move on. That has been kinda the overall reaction of me watching any type of show. I either like it and it's on my mind for a day or two or I simply think, "Eh, that was alright." and go on to the next show.

My thoughts on anime is that the art is simply amazing! I love how beautiful the scenery with a specific character in the picture can simply make we wish every time I can draw that good. I can imagine the time and effort for each picture or frame in a TV show the amount of work it takes for that. I find it to be a beautiful piece of art.

However, there are quite of bit of anime art and shows that can be really disturbing and not really attractive to the eye. It can either be a pornographic image, or a pretty violent one, or whatever. You can just compare it to any other form of art like other TV shows, movies, pictures, etc. This is where you need to be super careful! For you see, there are a lot of good anime TV shows out there and I believe that many of them do share some deep messages. If you want to see one of my thoughts about one show I recently watch, here is the link:

Clearly, anime is not for everyone. Also, many forms of art can have that same claim. There is good forms of it and bad forms of it. How that is determined is mostly by us and what we look for. I tend to look for types of art, whether it be a picture, film, or TV show that makes me feel positive, laugh, and perhaps at some times, even cry, and I am sure that this may be the many views of others. I wouldn't really recommend anime with every person I see. However, I still think, if used right, like other types of art forms, it can speak to us.

To close this topic off, I am going to show you my favorite piece of art that is in anime form. You may notice that this is also my background. This picture, I believe, is colorful and bright and just positive looking. Thanks for listening to my thoughts. Take care!

This image is from the game "If My Heart Had Wings: Flight Diary".

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