
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

It is DEFINITELY the Most Wonderful Time of The Year

I am one of those people who freaks out about Christmas, but not really till around of after Thanksgiving time. I am a big fan of holidays, but I don't really show it that much, except Christmas! I absolutely love Christmas. Just the spirit of it is so heartwarming and being with those that you do love is amazing! Being gone for two years for my Church mission, I missed two Christmases with my family, but had the opportunity to share it with other families. I am very grateful for these families for welcoming us in during this busy time and making the best Christmas they could give us.

But this year, I am now back from my mission and I will be able to spend it with all of my family. It has been a long 2 years of not being with my family. But this holiday season, I am so grateful for the chance to be with them.

It is also a time where we are reminded of the birth of the Savior Jesus Christ and why he was born. Although I wish that this was the circumstance was like this no matter what, I still do like the process of remembering the Savior's birth. Remembering the beginning of his life on this earth and what he was sent down here to do brings comfort to me.

I do have a weakness though when it comes to this time of the season. I give way too much! Is that a problem? Well, to others, no because they are receiving the gifts and really appreciate it. For me, although it does bring me great joy in giving others gifts that I believe would make them really happy, I tend to spend too much money during this time. And especially at this time where I am in college and need to save my own money that I will need to be careful during this time. I am sure when I get a stable job and save enough money I may go back to my habit of giving gifts like crazy, but for now, I need to think smart during these times.

I love Christmas! I just love it so much! The feeling, the sights, the sounds, the music, the everything is amazing and I hope that you may find your peaceful Christmas as well. Merry Christmas to everyone during this time of year!

(Picture is from the show "K-On")

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